Hans-Ulrich Schlumpf


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Hans-Ulrich Schlumpf was born 1939 in Zurich-Switzerland. He studied Art history and Literature at the University of Zurich, graduating 1969 with a dissertation on Paul Klee.

In 1970 he was manager of the Swiss Film Center (today Swiss Films) and publisher of the Swiss Film Catalogue (Schweizer Filmkatalog).

Since 1974 he has worked as independent filmmaker. Since 1980 he is leader of the Film departement of the Swiss Folklore Society, Basle (Schweiz. Gesellschaft für Volkskunde).

1981 foundation of Ariane Film Inc.,

Since 1984 he lectures at the University of Zürich and Basle.  2003 - 2005 he is project leader of: "Work and Life Worlds: Memory, Change and Present" in the National Research Programme NFP 48 Landscapes and Habitats of the Alps, where he produced two ethnographic films:
Hinterrhein - Umbruch im Bergdorf by Lisa Röösli and Im Lauf der Zeiten by Marius Risi.